Joyful Productivity

Get Things Done...Differently

The systems, tools, and strategies you need to turn overwhelm into calm...consistently
As Seen On

How you spend your time is a critical factor in determining how happy you are.

Don't let time control you or be the reason you feel
overwhelmed, exhausted & unhappy.

Sure, reaching goals can be a happy thing. But not if you're trying to
reach them at the expense of the things that matter - like your
peace, calm, health and happiness.

Do You Ever...

  • Spend too much time figuring out what needs to be done and have no time left to actually get it done?

  • Try different planners or systems but haven’t figured out how to make it save you more time?

  • Wonder how other people seem to stay so organized while juggling all the things?

  • Recognize that you need to manage your time better and be more productive but don’t want to hustle and burnout?

  • Want to experience the freedom to spend time with people you cherish but feel like you never have time to?

It doesn't need to feel this way

When you learn to implement systems and tools for productivity, you feel in control of your time.

And when you spend your time on what matters, you experience more life satisfaction, happiness, and joy.

With Joyful Productivity you:

  • Get clear on what steps to take every day to reach your quarterly and annual goals

  • Learn how to execute with focus so you don’t waste precious time

  • Create systems to help you outsource, if that’s what you want to do

  • Gain back control of your schedule so you start each day energized and wrap up each day feeling fulfilled and accomplished

  • Discover more hours in your day without sacrificing your health and happiness

I'd love to guide you towards taking back control of your time so you can focus on what matters to elevate your happiness and success.

Here's how we could work together:

Need to Get Productive Fast?

Productivity Power Hour

One hour together will save you hundreds of wasted hours over a year!

Use the Productivity Power Hour to:
  • plan out yearly goals
  • outline detailed execution plan for one quarter
  • get clear on time management essentials
  • receive practical guidance on work-life boundaries and a sample calendar that supports you and what matters
What Included:
  • 1 Session (up to 60 Minutes)
  • Session Recording
  • Sample weekly calendar that helps create healthy work-life boundaries
Investment: $333

Want Consistent Productivity?

Dream Forward, Plan Backward™ Bundle

Use these quarterly sessions to iron out your goals and execution plan to save thousands of hours in a year!

You’ll learn Ellen’s signature Dream Forward, Plan Backward™ methodology for consistent productivity without scarifying your health or happiness.

What Included:

  • 4 Sessions (up to 60 Minutes each; 1 per quarter)
  • Session Recordings
  • Business Dashboard – keeping you organized and efficient in your business
  • Yearly Plan Template – lay out your plans in a way that actually works
  • Quarterly Goal Template – break down your yearly plans into quarterly focus
  • Weekly To-Do Template – break down your quarterly plans into actionable chunks 
  • Sample weekly calendar that helps create healthy work-life boundaries
Investment: $1222

Overwhelmed by Social Media?

Simply Social Media System

Learn the system to get 1 month’s worth of social media content done…in ONE day.

Follow a comprehensive system to build authority, generate high quality leads and maximize your discoverability on social media

What Included:

  • Simply Social Guide – a system to repurpose content across your preferred platforms
  • Personalized Hashtag Directory with 100+ relevant hashtags designed to get new eyes on your content
  • Content Calendar Template to keep it organized and easy
  • 50+ attention-catching, non-generic hooks that can be used with any industry (yes, it’s true!)
  • 1 x 60 minute video call to clarify your 5 content pillars and 10+ content topics
  • 1 x 60 minute video call to walk you through how to apply the Simply Social System so you can replicate it every month moving forward
Investment: $622
Organization and systems bring me calm, joy and peace in the chaos of my busy life.
Hi! I'm Ellen

I’m a Naturopathic Doctor, Associate Professor, Entrepreneur and a Chief Happiness Officer.

I have always been drawn towards organizing and systemizing things. Even as a child, I kept everything clean and tidy. Yes, my wardrobe and drawers are Marie Kondo-fied.

Overtime, I began to apply these skills towards my work life and it has allowed me to

  • Build a thriving private practice as a Naturopathic Doctor
  • Create multiple online programs for women & entrepreneur
  • Teach as a Professor of Naturopathic Medicine
  • Be a present and grounded wife, mama and friend

My entrepreneurial friends would ask me how I was doing it all and I began to show them the systems I had in place. What I realized is that I was more efficient, calmer and happier managing my life because I was able to use my time towards things that mattered.

How you spend your time is critical to how much peace and happiness you feel.
I can’t wait to help you take back control of your schedule.

What Clients Had To Say

Years of entrepreneurial experience, expertise & training, completely systematized.

“The structure and guidance infused into Ellen’s systems and templates is an unparalleled amalgamation of years of entrepreneurial experience and training. You can 100% take and apply Ellen's systems and run with them or use them to kick-start your systems.“

Dr. Destiny Spurrell, Brand Messaging Strategist & Founder of the Hell YES Offer

Joyful Productivity Client

There's nothing else like it.

"It is truly a gift when you work with Ellen because she has gone through it before, because she continues to optimize her own entrepreneurial journey and all that is involved including launching, funnels, social media, content creation, you name it. She gets it and is able to help you break down everything you want to do and create a plan that is systemized and actually works!."

Janette Yee - Perinatal Therapist & Founder of C-School

Joyful Productivity Client

Amazing and brilliant.

Ellen's systems are the most comprehensive I've ever seen. She finds a way to take all the moving pieces, create a structure, simplify it and then share it with those who work with her. Highly recommend!

Dr. Alison Danby, Naturopathic Doctor & Founder of Autoimmune Academy

Joyful Productivity Client

Questions About Joyful Productivity?

You can purchase the Simply Social Media System from the link above. If you have questions about a Power Hour or Quarterly Planning Sessions, please book a time to chat with Ellen.